PowerPoint Styling

  • Font Changes: Home Tab, Font section, you can choose you font, make it bold, underlined, etc.

  • Object Arrangment: Home Tab, Drawing section, Arrrange (From Here you should be able to move the objects or text behind or in front).

  • Object Formating: Click on the object, Format Tab, Different Options Should Be There.Including: Shape colours, shape effects such as glows and outlines.

    Or Right Click On Object, Format Object, then a menu should come up on the right side. Both ways allow for filling shaps, changing glow and outline effects, shadows, reflections, bevels and 3D effects.

  • Animations an Transitions:
    *Transitions Setup: Transitions Tab, Can choose different transitions for when the slide changes.

    *Animations Setup: Must select something then go to the Animations Tab, It allows you to give things animations and set when you wan ti t to go off.

  • Text Formating: Text formating is located in the same place as object formating, and accessed the same way.